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News & Reports

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  • Low-income migrant workers in the UAE report that they are facing an outbreak of dengue due to a lack of clean-up efforts by the government after the floods that occurred in April, according to a report released by FairSquare.

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  • Qatar’s Shura Council has suggested reintroducing exit permits for domestic workers, though it has rephrased the practice as ‘obtaining employer approval’ at least five days before departure.

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  • The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) has filed two complaints against Saudi Arabia with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), emphasising the widespread human rights abuse of migrant workers in the Kingdom, including forced labour. The cases highlighted involve over 20,000 construction workers who are victims of wage theft and other labour abuses.

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In Brief

  • Low-income migrant workers in the UAE report that they are facing an outbreak of dengue due to a lack of clean-up efforts by the government after the floods that occurred in April, according to a report released by FairSquare.

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  • Qatar’s Shura Council has suggested reintroducing exit permits for domestic workers, though it has rephrased the practice as ‘obtaining employer approval’ at least five days before departure.

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  • The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) has filed two complaints against Saudi Arabia with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), emphasising the widespread human rights abuse of migrant workers in the Kingdom, including forced labour. The cases highlighted involve over 20,000 construction workers who are victims of wage theft and other labour abuses.

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